Huaraz Province
Huaraz is the capital of the Ancash Departamento (region) in central Peru and also the main base for the majority of trekking and climbing in the Cordilleras Blanca and Huayhuash. Although a hub in that sense, it´s hardly touristy in camparison with the well-known and famous places in southern Peru. Fresh produce is available everyday in the local market and at extremely cheap prices - reputable trekking and climbing operators may seem to charge a lot for their services but in reality, nowhere near the USA and European prices.
Cordillera Blanca (Parque Nacional de Huascarán)
This is an incredible national park with a host of trekking and climbing opportunities (what I have here is still the tip of the iceberg!), especially if you're willing to go exploring with a guide in the areas less known to average visitor in the area.(the majority of these treks I did whist working with AKILPO in Huaraz, one of the foremost trekking and adventure operators in the region)
Cordillera Negra & Huaraz
The Cordillera Negra forms the western "barrier" of the Callejon de Huaylas (Huaylas Valley) where Huaraz is situated and the name probably derived from it hardly ever having snow as the eastern "barrier", the Cordillera Blanca. Although generally not exceeding 4,800m above sea level, it's very accessible to explore and perfect for some acclimatisation treks.
Pallasca Province
A small province located right in the north of Ancash, in total probably not much larger than the Huascarán National Park near Huaraz. The Andes north of the Cordillera Blanca passes through an along this province with its minimum of 350 mountain lakes. Tourism hasn't really reached here yet other than people originally from here that come back for the variety of festivals, adding to the already incredible experience with really hospitable people...and access is not complicated either from the larger PanAmerican highway along the Peruvian coast.
Cabana & Huandoval
Cabana is the provincial capital of Pallasca (which is where the village of pallasca is also located) Province. Villages are connected by dirt roads and then a network of "trails" used by the farmers. It's these trails which one can use to get around - obviously make sure that people know that you're going trekking and where, the area is rather remote.