
Also check my online shop where you'll find all my ebooks 

El Fuego Dentro 
Discubriendo la tierra donde los caballos salvajes vuelan con el viento

El 3 de marzo de 2019, Marcell Claassen terminó una travesía a pie de 460 km y 60 días desde Ushuaia a lo largo de la costa sur, este y noroeste de Tierra del Fuego, de la cual al menos 300 km forman parte de la Península Mitre, una de las zonas más aisladas e inhóspitas de la Argentina. Con una mochila que pesaba en promedio 35 kg, Marcell recorrió la costa escarpada y traicionera que ha sido responsable de muchísimos naufragios al largo de la historia de la exploración y navegación en el Atlántico Sur. Es parte de esta costa y su clima duro, acantilados imponentes y escarpados coronados por bosques enmarañados y azotados por el viento, lo que le obligó a hacer dos desviaciones tierra adentro por valles, ríos y arroyos con una mezcla de pastos altos de pantano, laderas de montañas con bosques densos y inmensas turberas. El libro no es sólo un diario de expedición, sino que proporciona una perspectiva de las rutas, distancias, equipo y provisiones, listas de fauna para expediciones en el futuro. Ilustrado por más de 140 fotos y 40 mapas, es un relato completo de la expedición y una obra de referencia, la primera de su tipo para la Península Mitre.

Compra Ahora   US$8.45 AHORA solo US$5.45 en esos tiempos complicados

The Fire Inside 
Discovering the land where wild horses fly with the wind

On 3 March 2019, Marcell Claassen completed a 460km, 60-day trek on foot from Ushuaia along the southern, eastern and north-western coast of Tierra del Fuego of which at least 300km is part of Peninsula Mitre, one of the most isolated and inhospitable areas of Argentina.
With a backpack weighing on average 35kg, Marcell trekked the rugged and treacherous coastline that has been responsible for very many shipwrecks through the history of exploration and sailing in the South Atlantic. It's part of this coastline and its harsh weather, imposing sheer cliffs topped with wind-skewed and tangled forest, that forced him to make two diversions inland along valleys, rivers and streams with a mix of tall marsh grass, densely forested mountain slopes and vast waterlogged bogs.
The book is not only an expedition diary, it provides insight into the routes, distances, equipment and provisions, wildlife lists for future expeditions. Illustrated by over 140 photos and 40 maps, it's a comprehensive expedition account and reference work, the first of its kind for Peninsula Mitre.
Buy Now US$8.45 NOW only US$5.45 during these difficult times
Winter Exploration 2019 ebook Marcell Claassen
Winter Exploration 2019 (Tierra del Fuego)
A comprehensive account of an exploration of Chilean Tierra del Fuego during the July to September 2019 winter season. Starting and ending in Argentinian Tierra del Fuego, Marcell explored the area from Bahía Inútil to the northern and northeastern coasts. 
     The book includes information on the equipment and foodstuffs he took, planned and actual routes with itinerary of the expedition. In addition, he notes birds and animals encountered in both countries followed by a photographic account of the places visited and explored.

Buy Now US$6.45 NOW only US$3.35 during these difficult times


Expedition Logistics, Travel Planning And Tourism Product Development

Discover a comprehensive suite of services anchored in the tourism and hospitality sector. My offerings span travel planning, expedition logistics and support, tourism and hospitality product development, and strategic product and destination marketing.