At Least 10 ways to get around when travelling

As we travel, there are many means of transport available to get from A to B. Some are certainly more hairy than others! Then there are some that we can just get "tasters" of i.e. using the the particular mode of transport only in a specified area like a safari on horse or elephant.

Through my travels I managed to accumulate some interesting shots of the different modes of transport, including local modes of transport as well as those that transport local produce or other commercial loads.

Let me know what transport you've used that was a bit hairy and/or different. Enjoy!

Overland truck - negotiating a bit of off-road around a broken bridge (out of shot) in Burkina Faso

River ferry - crossing the great Congo River at Luozi, west and downstream from Kinshasha, DR of Congo

Overloaded car for passengers and their 'luggage' - road between Abong-Abang and Yokotom in central Cameroon

By horse for an audience with the Emir - local chief at the Emir's Palace in Kano, Nigeria

A local taxi...still place on the roof if all the seats are taken - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Taxi's are Hot property but not always That reliable - Bafoussam to Abong-Abang, central Cameroon

Moto doing daily bread distribution - Bafoussam to Abong-Abang, central Cameroon

Moto's also good for family transport (WARNING: not for the feint-hearted in mud like this!) - Batibo, Cameroon

The long-tail boats are a real experience and pretty cool - Bangkok, Thailand

Not everybody has a boat though but there's always a way - Garoua to Banki, northern Cameroon

Then there's the ever reliable bicycle too - up for it? - at mud mosque in Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

The local bicycle edition - Angola

I just love train travel like this one that crosses the "River Kwai" at Kanchanaburi, Thailand

Super scenic train trip from Kleine Scheidegg up to the Jungfrau - Bernese Oberland, Switzerland

Convenient gondolas save you climbing - Schilthorn, Bernese Oberland, Switzerland

Paragliding for some You time - Murren & Lauterbrunen, Bernese Oberland, Switzerland

The convenience and excitement of helicopters always adds a different touch - Bernese Oberland, Switzerland

Air travel that most of us know very well - OR Tambo International, Johannesburg, South Africa

If all else fails...walk! The most readily available of all modes of transport - Mole National Park, Ghana


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